Me n My Programming

If Only I Have TIme

Adding JDBC library as Eclipse PDT dependency

I was developing an Eclipse plug-in that pull data from MySQL database when I encounter a problem with the database connection when trying to test the plug-in using the Debug Mode. Apparently, the JDBC MySQL driver was not deploy in the runtime-workspace. I would always get an error failure connecting to the database and could not find the com.mysql.jdbc driver. It took three days for me to find the relevant solution. Most of the solution provided refers to exporting the driver in the web based development.

I found this website that mention regarding creating a fragment plug-in consists on the JDBC MySQL driver. I tried to follow the instruction and create the fragment. Then, I add the dependences to the plugin. Go to plugin.xml and select the Dependencies tab. Choose Required Plug-ins section. Add the plugin by searching the plug-in name, for example com.mysql.jdbc.

Restart the workspace and run the code again. Your plug-in should now be able to connect to the database.

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